Bushmaster M17s Modifications Barrel Shortening, Disassembly & Piston Cleaning
The stock OAL is 30" and the stock barrel length is 21.5". Depending on the state you live in and their regulations will depend on the length you can legally shorten the barrel. According to ATF regulations the OAL can be no shorter than 26" and the barrel length no shorter than 16" without registering as an SBR on form 1 and paying the $200 tax stamp. The standard shortening that I will perform is 3". That will take the OAL to 27" and the barrel length to 18.5". This will take you to safe dimensions and no room for interpretations on the measured dimensions. This will also allow the Barrel sleeve to still be utilized but shortened. I can also shorten it so the barrel sleeve does not have to be used, and you will be at an OAL of 26.375" I can shorten it to any length you want as long as I am not in possession of your lower which is the registered portion of the firearm.